8 ways to find a fresh idea for your WordPress blog article


WordPress was conceived as a blogging platform, making it the easiest content management system for your website that can also support a blog article.

The fact is every WordPress website has some kind of blog hierarchy under the hood, yes, even your grandmother’s blog. This is the reason why in this article we want to talk about blog posting ideas which can help you get more interaction and consequently conversion from your readers.

Coming up with fresh ideas for blog article

Brainstorming unique blog post ideas can look intimidating, especially when it feels like your blog has covered just about every subject under the sun.

With so many blog websites online is there such a thing as a “unique” blog post idea anymore? More so, you are aiming to write fresh and interesting, with strong SEO benefits, that your audience actually wants to read?

Let’s discuss fifteen ways to help you overcome the writer’s block and come up with unique blog ideas, preferably without banging your head on your keyboard.

Audience Surveys

We already mentioned that your blog article topics should be on the subject which should be interesting to your readers, so why not ask them in the first place?

survey form is a great tool for finding good blog article idea

You can use survey WordPress plugins such as Google Forms to ask your visitors directly what topics they want to read about.

This survey can be sent to existing customers, followers of social media, or other contacts in your network. You can convert their answers into some interesting blog posting topics.

Answer the Public

Next, I would like to note the Answer The Public free visual keyword research tool that generates visually a list of questions related to a topic from your input.

Depending on the topic you are researching, each of these questions could be something your audience is searching for and therefore could be an interesting blog post ideas.

Related Keywords

Those of us who have dabbled into search engine optimization may be familiar with the process of finding keywords that are related to a focused topic.

Popular keyword research tools like SEMrush and Keywords Everywhere will generate a robust report for related keywords which you can consider with possible blog post ideas.

Google Autocomplete

Shrewd business owners will utilize search engines Autocomplete function to come up with blog post ideas by typing in their main subject and see what comes up.

For example, you can use Google’s autocomplete feature to generate topics you might not have thought of before.

Google autocomplete for finding blog article idea

You will get the best results if you put yourself in the shoes of your visitors and tinker with different searches.

People Also Ask

Since we are talking about Google search features, this is another one you can utilize to come up with blog post ideas from the People Also Ask section.

When you do a search, the search results will sometimes include a People Also Ask section that contains a list of questions and answers that people often search for.

Google Trends

Monitoring current trends can be a vault of fresh topics for your blog website. For this purpose, we can suggest you turn to Google Trends, as it can provide Related Queries” that branch off of your initial search.


As you expect your WordPress website audience to read your content, you may not be aware that many of your readers are versatile experts in a specific field that your website covers in a larger subject.

User-contributed content can help you grow up your blog, and all it takes is a contact form asking for guest post submissions. Keep a keen eye for expert tips or a unique perspective.


It may not be obvious but Pinterest is more a search engine than it is a social media platform, and this makes it a very good tool for finding fresh blog post ideas.

The Trending Ideas section is the one to find trending topics, or you can start your search with a single keyword and see what comes up.

Conclusion for this blog article

You may never thought a search engine feature can be used in such a fashion that it can give you a fresh look on a topic you have worked on several times in a blog article.

The number of online writers grows every day, so if you want to keep above average then you will have to focus on these tips and work at producing remarkable written content for your WordPress website.